
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Halloween brings out the child in all of us. Next to Christmas it is the most fun time. You go door to door and get lots of candies and other good stuff. Today we package all the candies so there is no possibility of any tampering. When I was a little girl, my favourite house gave out homemade candy apples. It seemed so amazing as some houses just gave those horrible wrapped halloween candies- 1- just one. Our costumes were handmade- sometimes just an old shirt and lots of makeup. Now there is such a variety for not only children but adults who love to go to those Halloween parties. I can not remember the last party I attended or even what I wore. I gave a house party years ago and was a cat- wore a leotard and black stockings and drew whiskers on my face. Of course I was thinner with good legs. Are you going to a Halloween party? If so what are you wearing? If you could go to a party, what would you be? What is your favourite Halloween memory?

1 comment:

  1. Two favorites memories: 1, watching my kids dump their bags of collected goodies on their beds after a night of trick or treating, thrilled with their loot and 2, seeing my grand-kids in their halloween costumes. How I wish I had taken pictures of number 1 above. But, fortunately, I have taken pictures of 2.
