
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Have you ever been trying to solve a problem and just plain wonder what you are going to do about a situation? Somewhere along my journey in life, I started to rely on my favourite saying

" Life will present Itself!"
By taking a step back from many circumstances, the solution begins to unfold. Being right, being in a power struggle, boxed into a corner can create the need to have an answer and the best answer of everyone involved. By waiting for the process to evolve gives the responsibility back to others and well life. Taking a break allows the mind to declutter and make room for new ideas to enter. Of course,there may be times such as an emergency, action needs to happen immediately and one does the best possible action in the moment! In counselling with people, presenting the various options available allow the person to chose a road and to add whatever is needed to travel safely. For me, personally and professionally, I do have a way if asked for an immediate answer, not to be trapped but say- " Let me think about it and I will get back to you!" Some may say, let me sleep on it. Doesn't a new day sometimes often bring clarity to your life? If I have become too emotionally involved in something, some distance or a day or two, reduces the emotional response allowing for a softer conclusion. Although, we all get caught in knee jerk reactions to situations. That is why I try to ground my energy, figure out what needs to be said or done. Life can bring people, ideas to us that are necessary to get to the next step. Like the picture, is the solution just around the corner? Around the bend? What do you use to help get to the next step? Have you ever wished you had waited for a different answer?

1 comment:

  1. Too often in my life, I've responded to a problem too quickly, and later regretted the way I handled it. But, I'm learning, slowly but surely. Often, the best solution is to wait awhile and see how things unfold without my input.

    Even when you know the answer to someone else's problem, sometimes it is best to let the other person discover the answer himself. Sometimes, you can help them by simply asking questions that only they can answer after careful thought.
