
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 11, 2010


We all have one- a name. Some of us like our names, some wonder what were the folks thinking. My husband's name is Adolph- Adolfo in Italian and can be spelled Adolf. Yes, I know what you are thinking- like Hitler! Adolph was born in post-war Italy- so what were they thinking! No matter where we go and we introduce ourselves- at least one and often two people will comment about his name! My name Barbara was after the popular Canadian Skater who won Gold at the Olympics in 1948- Barbara Ann Scott. Except my name is Barbara May! I thought I gave my girls interesting names- Natasha and Sonya. With the influx of many people from Russia in Canada, Natasha is quite a popular name now. Sonya actually is a Native Canadian name, thought it was Eastern European when I named her. There is a small town north of Port Parry, Ontario called Sonya. Some parents resort to cute, made up names that are fine when you are two, but not so fine if you become the President of a Company. Nicknames can be anything. Barbara has Babs, Bub, Barb, and Barbie. I was Barbie all through High School because my mother embroidered Barbie on the back of my gym suit. Not Barbie since- unless I run into someone from school!! In my world now, I am Barbara at work but Barb to my friends and family. I like to use my full name as it can be a power move on someone's part to give part of your name so I do not want to diminish myself. We all have names of endearment for each other- sweetheart, cutie, honey, puckie and the list goes on. We can have the opposite names too that can be offensive- well you know what they are and the letters they use. Names run in families and some cultures insist on naming their children after dead relatives. The first born son after the father. Give your daughter your great-grandmother's name that does not fit in our modern world. Etc. You can name your child whatever you want! But new parents can be pressured to satisfy a family member with the naming rules! In genealogy, it is often a way to search in older times as names stayed in the family in chronological order. My grandfather had two last names as his first names because he was the youngest of many children- his parents ran out of names! Names were after famous people as well- think of the number of Williams and Elizabeths in England centuries ago! In Italy how many Tonys and Marias- well way too many. I think we know at least 100 Tonys and yes must give them nicknames! Does a name make an impact- the celebrities seem to think it does! Look at the old stars and the names they chose- did not like the one their family gave them! Are you your name? Or are you the whole person? Do you ever judge someone by their name because there is someone you do not like with that name? Do you like your name, if not what would you call yourself? Well as the Bard of Avon- William Shakespere once said- " A Rose is a rose........

1 comment:

  1. Funny. I used to sign my name W. Shakespere in guest books. When I was City Entomologist, some co-workers called me the City Bugger. Others called me Dr. Roy to bug me because I never liked to be called Dr. To me, you'll always be Barb, fav cuz.
