
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


In our careers, we all are used to the concept of networking. It builds relationships and hopefully it becomes a win-win situation helping to advance our work status. I find myself lately caring less about my career- probably an age thing and more about helping my children with their new business adventure. Tonight I went to an Open House for a new agency that supplies caregivers that may be a helpful resource for my work but I ended up marketing the new business and trying to determine if there is a link. I find it amusing that I have no difficulty trying to sell Lullaboo Gym- the new business. Then we are told watch out for the Momma Bear. It may be true that no matter how old your children become, Momma is still watching their backs. And Pappa too! Networking for the children has become delightful. Trying to sell me is less inviting. I wonder why that is? Have you had the opportunity to try to help your children? Is it easier to talk about them and their successes than your own? Will we be Momma and Pappa Bears for the rest of our lives?

1 comment:

  1. People ask me if I miss running my business since I retired. I tell them 'no'. All I miss are the 'toys' it let me buy. And working with some of the fine people who were my clients. Yes, I'm now one of those 'Papa' Bears, full of advice, if not other things.
