
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


From time to time we all attend a reunion of some kind.There's the school reunion where we venture to see how everyone else is doing and come away just glad to see people are still around. A funeral is a sad reunion-gathered together because of one common denominator.Weddings are happy occasions that often bring family and friends from all over the country and sometimes the world. A retirement party is a reunion- some retirees come and the current colleagues say good-bye. Family reunions can be one named based like genealogical reunions or a mult-generational gathering of the clan in your own family. I attended a reunion of sorts today- a group of us from High School have done a lunch once or twice a year for several years. It has been two years since the last one. We chat and update- who has a new grandchild, who is retiring, whose child was married and just how is everyone doing- nice to see each other, took a couple of pictures and promised to do it again. Have you had a recent reunion with someone or a group of people? Do you like reunions or do you avoid them like a plague? Are you happy like I am knowing people are going strong? Are there people from the Spring of your Life?

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