
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, May 30, 2022


 Do you ever notice people post on Facebook about loved ones who died years and sometimes decades ago?

Our love for someone does not end. But does grief ever really end.

Do triggers like favourite music bring on a memory?

For me organizing stories with picture helps with missing loved ones.

Missing my spouse is every day. So I say goodnight to him as a way to harness my grief.

It depends on the relationship and what it meant to the person. 

Losing a parent as a child has a more profound effect than as a middle age adult. But the love for the parent and the relationship is what brings the meaning.

We have friends that are more than family. Closer sometimes.

There can be ways to grieve that are written in many books. Counselling may help some people. Individual or group.

Being with people who knew the deceased always helps.

Talking about the person and keeping their memory alive is good.

But obsessing can cross a line.

So does the grief journey ever really end? It changes from very intense to being there in some form or another.

Missing someone loved is really life long!

How about you? Are you grieving someone today? Do you miss your loved ones?


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