
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, September 30, 2019


Retirement continues to be a transition for me. The editor of Good Times put a call out for thoughts about when to retire. So my email and thoughts were printed in that edition- October 2019. Knowing what I have to say was accepted.
I love the magazines Good Times and Zoomer. Ideas and thoughts for Seniors.Belonging to CARP- Canadian Association for Retired People comes with the subscription. Although one mag claims to include people 55 and older, I really can not see someone 55 enjoying the magazine. At that age one thinks they are still in their 40s.
I know I did not consider myself anywhere near being a senior then.
Actually I hid my age at work until I was almost at my retirement day. 68 and a half. I had enough ageism thrown my way without being told I should be retired.
So saying, yes I am a Senior came with some trepidation. I always have needed to keep up or be a head of people much younger than I. The workplace expected the experienced worker to do more and role model the younger workers and staff.
But in retirement the pace can be whatever I want to make it.
Retired people are more varied than the younger crowd. Some are world travelers while others are home bodies. Joining groups and clubs or home watching TV.
For me, the family responsibilities come first. So activities, interests, and work that can be done in the home setting has been my mantra. Little jaunts from home are doable. Travel is not.
So how is retirement going for you? Have you adjusted well? Do you prefer not working in a job? Have you found your own pace?


1 comment:

  1. Anna Maria Curtis-Caporiccio commented in my facebook feed so I have transcribed her comments her. Thank you Barbara, though WE are retired... from a paying job. We are not RETIRED FROM LIFE, and as you now know, we are busier than ever. Our " philanthropic activities" keep us very busy. How many " non-profit" organizations are we now part of, I think last count , we are at 6! All good, and very stimulating. Meeting great "retirees" and making life-long friends. Travelling, a little, but personally I enjoy my " retired" life. Especially the "grandparents" title.
