
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Okay that snowfall on March 31st, hopefully was the last. It is April and April Fool's Day so no more snow, okay. April showers bring May flowers. So bring on the month of April- two family birthdays, income tax returns to do, spring cleaning and some garden cleanup if weather permitting. Of course Easter and all it's wonderful moments of reflection. And to continue with those projects.
Especially the Ball Point one that is on a roll. The essay on the Indian Battle was the longest and most comprehensive. So the rest of the stories will take time but not as much. My memories on the Point do not need references as they are in my head and pictures.
Actually most of the essays are in good written form. I had hard copies for years. When my computer crashed a few years ago and I needed a new one I had lost all the typed information in it. The Ball Point book was there. Then I decided not to make it a book because other than 5 people who was going to read it. Who would publish it? Would I have to pay for it myself?
 Thus the idea of a series of essays. A start and finish so there does not need to be any continuity to the story. Instead stories.
So the typing part is what keeps me delayed. I really hate being a data entry clerk. Almost as much as I am not a housewife so do not relish just cleaning all day. So typing and cleaning are not my creative muses. I do love research. So have been researching those vintage sites with pictures to try to use in my genealogy stuff. I found the schools my mother attended. The workplace of my maternal grandfather. It is good to add these social pieces to their stories. Genealogy does not just entail birth, marriage, children and death. Who were these people?
Bring it on April.

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