
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


In trying to expand my social media knowledge, I have been using Twitter more. I have more followers there than declared on this blog. So I have clicked some people that have chosen to follow me and followed them. Just for twitter and the issues raised there. So what has happened. Some private messages wanting to connect with me personally.
Okay. What is that all about?
I have had many negative and positive comments to points I have made about an event or issue.
But hearing from men from the Internet is a new thing.
So what did I do with the messages? I did not respond. I figure if someone is sending me a private message then probably sending to lots of other people.
I can understand if someone is lonely then it would be a little tempting to answer back and see where it goes.
The whole notion of being trolled- I think that is the word. Am I flattered? Not sure. But it is not a good feeling. So I go with my feelings.
If someone flirts with you in person, easy to assess and figure out the person. The Internet is really different.
So I will play it safe and just continue to respond to issues, like some posts and be careful.
Besides I am not lonely. I have people in my life. I have a husband who is my sweetheart.
What about you? Have you had some Internet experiences that were unsolicited? What have you done about them?

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