
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 5, 2019


So nine months post retirement, I have some thoughts.
I am not busier than I was when I worked. How can one put 50 hours weekly of work and work related activities in place.
My life is not full of bells and whistles. I am getting the boring stuff done more efficiently. For example, the laundry does not sit around nor are there piles of folded laundry waiting to be put away. It can be done in one go.
Caring for my husband takes up lots of time. Pharmacy trips. Organizing his day. Being available.
But the emotions of it take a toll.
I am writing. I am trying to clean up my genealogy stuff. Going digital though is rather painful and not progressing as quickly as I want. Besides I like to keep some paper.
I am trying to finish the Ball Point story. It is coming along.
Reading everything is good. The magazines are a god send as easy to peruse. Novels are harder as I really do not just sit and read. Perhaps with warmer weather an excuse to sit outside and read.
I do waste lots of time on the computer reading Twitter and other stuff. so one can be busy doing nothing.
The research counts as productive work. I have found some new pictures and resources for my family stories. I have time to review hundreds of vintage pictures looking for fodder for those stories. I have time to find the resources to cite my sources for all my genealogy stories. I have several stories in draft and bits and pieces done.
I have been available to the grandchildren. Still committing to one day weekly with one grandson. Enjoyable time.
The transition to retirement has been painful. The emotional piece of being more socially isolated is not fun. The former colleagues are not phoning nor emailing much. I try to reach out but it is hard for them. Besides it is always true that one finds out who one's real friends have been. Maybe I was not as well liked or loved as I thought. Or maybe people are just busy with their own lives and stuff.
I am joining new activities. The historical society, will be on the board for the Arts council and was accepted to the Heritage committee for the town. All endeavors that can be done mostly from home and some monthly meetings. So meeting some new people and nurturing those situations.
I am trying to fix areas in the house. That process is slower than I like. Probably because it is boring, really boring and I really would rather hire someone to do it. Most other wives are not responsible for all the inside and outside work plus any minor repairs. I get to see what needs to be done without any support in getting it done. I am decluttering and have some headway there. For example, 10 boxes of books donated to a book company was done painlessly.
With Adolph unwell, does not surprise me that his friends, family and acquaintances have dropped him. A few visits from people but not much interest. A few phone calls have occurred. Two cousins have been consistent which is nice. The social thing is so important for him. The kids and grandchildren are consistent for him.
He has his many sports shows and the daily newspaper with all the puzzles. Yes people do read newspapers. Of course I keep him company.
I am surprised that I have enough money to get by. Five years ago I thought I would have to sell the house right away but not so. It will be sold in due time but not today. I am holding my own.
So I am trying to rock retirement and present like all those seniors smiling and having fun.
Honestly, I think most of that applies to a small minority. I honestly believe for most people retirement is a real letdown. Being cast out makes people look for other work opportunities and some way for monetary gain.
Celebrities get to work into their 90s. People in their own business do not have to quit but the average person gets told to retire and enjoy the rest of your life. Humbug!!
I do not miss going to work on a Monday. I do not want to be just busy. I want to know that the activities I am doing are meaningful to me.
I really do feel retirement is great. It is another phase of life. It needs time to be meaningful. But I have a feeling many people do feel the best is behind them and probably are just coasting until death.
I do not want to be like that.
So the writing, the joining and the quest to put meaning in my life. Writing, crafting, exercising, taking it a day at a time.
How about you? How has retirement been for you?

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