
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


It never ceases to amaze me that the old concepts and conversations continue to happen. Women continue to be judged as mothers by how clean their house may be. Housekeeping and mothering are not the same. If anything I become very concerned if the house becomes more of a priority than spending time and love with children. I had a case years ago where the mother was more concerned her teenage daughter who was having difficulties at school did not keep the taps shined and polished in the bathroom. "It's my house and the children will do things my way!" Yes cleanliness and being organized are good qualities. Garbage out, healthy food, activity etc. If art is being done for example, things can get messy. So! Have an area in the home where such activities can occur and shut the door. Many young couples use the basement as a playground and playroom! Have areas that must stay neat! But to judge a mother by how clean or polished the home looks does not make sense. Fathers are not judged for how neat the lawn has been cut if they are doing the job. Lots of busy working couples use landscaping services anyway.  Let's get back to being judged. Why are some women other women's worst enemies? Perhaps being an older woman and someone who has done the journey, stop judging and start supporting younger mothers! Simple, isn't it?

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