
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Anyone that knows me knows I love to take pictures. Some okay! Some amazing! Some just ordinary! What everyone knows is I love to share and give copies of pictures. Yes in this day and age when everyone keeps their pictures digital and rarely print, well I print many photos and share with those in them. Beware of the cloud or whatever used! They could disappear. So don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Of course my children get lots because they are in them. And my wonderful 6 are in them alot too! So over the last few years I have also gone through my albums and still doing it to send photos to people from the albums. For example, I shared and sent photos to my wonderful cousin Roy of his earlier childhood a few Chirstmases ago. My niece Kathryn turned 50 so posted some earlier pics of her and will be sending the originals to her.She can share them with her children. Another niece received lots of photos one Christmas of some earlier pics of her. Her parents divorced so she probably did not have them. On my husband's side, his two nieces of divorced parents too received an album one Christmas of all their pictures with their Nonna and us. Their mother would would have only ripped up any pictures in their childhood with her so I waited until they were old enough to be able to make their own decisions about any picture. My facebook groups have benefitted from photos and even postcards! The response has been heartwarming!  My girls do not want pictures of everyone in the albums perhaps one or two so giving to the people helps me weed my albums and so to speak downsize the albums, Trust me I have shelves of albums so it helps to find new homes for pictures.  I have discovered in life that sharing photos with others brings joy! At our Amici Club, I had some photos from two events and had several copies to share with the ladies. Taking the pictures is one thing then sending them to the universe is another or not quite the universe, I exaggerate but to the friendship circles! I have been the recipient of pictures. My Dad shared his photos of him and my Mom before the separation and divorce. So many pictures of my beautiful Mom in her early days. Love them. So take photos but chose to share.

1 comment:

  1. The best way to make sure your photos live on is to share them ... thanks for sharing with me from time to time, Barb. They are much appreciated!
