
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


In Health Care, nurses are asked to have critical thinking about their patients. Social Workers/Therapists/Counsellors do assessment and analyze the issues to facilitate change and problem solving. Financial Analysts are supposed to think critically too. But do we all really have it. It means to see something different in the obvious. To question the norm! Not to think outside the box because that expression is so cliche or passe or whatever! Critical thinking does save lives. Deciding not to drive in a snow storm, for example, would probably save your life! Complacency makes us stop to think critically. We think we know it all! So if a younger subordinate questions something, it can be annoying to the expert. However younger eyes and ears on a matter may make the difference! The same goes for the younger person listening to the older person. Experience counts for a lot and how much critical thinking has already occurred in that life! It is important however not to overthink every decision as nothing will get done! Taking a chance and doing is important too! So do you have it? Do you use critical thinking in your day, week, life? Does your job entail some critical thinking? What are your thoughts?


  1. I agree with everything you say in this post, Barb. One other thing came to mind: 'out of the mouth of babes'. Sometimes, a child's perspective shows enlightened thing: e.g., a view on art may be more open or true because they have not been taught yet what art is supposed to be.
