
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Becoming a parent does not mean your own identity needs to go. Of course there are some wealthier individuals that rarely see their children- nannies, boarding school, and other staff do the job. I am talking about average parents with demands of home, work and family. Keeping interests like exercise routines, reading, night courses or evenings out or even just couple vacations are paramount to keeping sane. On limited budgets it can be a challenge. Thus the car pools where other parents share with team activities and drives. Sometimes at home one parent has an activity while the other parent parents then switch the roles. The extended family helps with sleepovers at grandparents, aunts&uncles and even family friends. Giving a break helps the parent from breaking. Children's demands ebb and flow with age. Little ones need constant supervision. But older children tucked away in rooms on gadgets can bring another set of problems so a different supervision is needed. Being responsible for other people takes it toll on the mind, body and soul. All children bring some challenges so one never knows what might present itself on any given day. So trying every day to find "some space " is paramount. For me, it was rising an hour earlier than the girls. That simple quiet time in the morning was a luxury! Then some sleepovers on a Saturday night sure helped with couple time! Start small and manageable but find your space. Your children will thank you!

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