
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


We all have way too many clothes! So cleaning and sorting items in a closet between seasons can bring awareness to all the items there. Lately I rediscovered a lovely red Canadian hoodie that can be used for the 150 as well as cooler casual Spring days. Nice with my blue jeans. It was at the back of the closet.  Giving away or selling clothes not worn often can make room. So before new purchases are made decide if there are enough clothes. Probably the answer is yes. There is a psychological lift to sorting items in one's life. It gives some sense of order and control. We all have clothes that remind us of other times. Parents keep little baby outfits too long. My children did not want their baby stuff. A few items but not much. I am still hoping one of them will want the kilts. So get to the closets in the house and purge a little or recycle some items to use in your life today. For me, my Canada hoodie fits in with this year's 150 theme.

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