
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Lucky is described in the Oxford dictionary as having or resulting from good luck, as distinct from skill or design or merit. Have you ever been called lucky in a situation that you know was not luck? Do you ever resent being called lucky for something you worked hard to achieve? Have you ever worked very hard and did not get the award at the end? So what is luck? Yesterday as I was making my way down the hall at the hospital,  a fellow staff person commented- "you are able to walk to work, you are so lucky! " So why did I resent the comment? Is it luck that my employment is close to home. Perhaps. The hospital has always been there. I have worked there for over 10 years now. Did you know I have applied for jobs there for over 25 years? How many times did I apply for a job and did not get it? About 5 times! I had to take a job that was an hour away by car for 11 years. Lots of time in traffic in that commute! Is it possible that many others had to keep at something-perserve- to get what they sought? Many people work very hard their whole lives and do not necessarily get rewarded at the end. A layoff! Forced into early retirement! An untimely death! What is luck? A winning lottery ticket! No skill needed! A door prize at a gala! A lasting marriage-not much luck there! Sure you need to work at a marriage but how many times has one ended for no fault of the effort made. A good parent-lucky your kids are good! Sometimes that is true. I have seen many good parents with children that have caused lots of heartache. I have seen good children with crappy, selfish parents. Are we lucky to have a good family? Perhaps! Lucky is a funny word. It can be a condescending word. " You are lucky to have such a good figure " said to the person who eats well and exercises daily to stay in shape. Or "you are retired, you are so lucky!" Firstly, the person had to work for many years to reach that point in his/her life. Secondly, maybe the person would rather be working. Thirdly, maybe there are health reasons. Hopefully, the person is quite content to be retired. Should we be calling people lucky? Should we check ourselves and wonder if there is a little jealousy going on? The person has something we want!  Does luck happen to everyone at some time in their lives? Perhaps! It is funny I would never call anything I have or do luck or lucky. Rather I prefer to use the word- blessed! I feel blessed to have my loved ones in my life. I feel blessed to be able to get up and do what I have to do. I feel blessed to try to forgive others and not carry burdens of anger on my shoulder. I feel blessed to try not to resent others for what they have. It is hard work not to belittle others and just say " you are so lucky!" So what do you think? Do you like the word lucky? Do you react to it? Do you prefer another word for your situation?

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