
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, March 4, 2013


But I am a craft and business supply junkie. I love buying supplies like pens, cardstock paper and misc supplies for writing and organizing. A few weeks ago, I cleaned and organized a couple of drawers in my bookshelf in my computer room. Good thing! I discovered index pages, labels and well other supplies I forgot I had. Then to the craft room. My yarn is organized on shelves that are very visible so I am able to see at a glance that I have a good selection. If I go to my favourtie craft store-Michaels, for a few items, I usually leave with many items. Stickers for scrapbooking and using in blog pages or Adolph's cooking pages are a hit. Of course there are the seasonal items. So I am learning to look at what I have before heading out anywhere. Sometimes I just avoid going to certain stores because there are so many things to buy. I am really well stocked. Oh yes, I just organized my sticker drawer- there are enough Easter, Canada Day and Christmas ones to last for a few more seasons! Do you have favourite things you like to buy? Is it hard sometimes to avoid buying more?

1 comment:

  1. Of course, you're not a hoarder. Me, neither. We're just 'well prepared', for almost anything.
