
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Beware the Ides of March was the quote for Julius Caesar before he was assassinated. On March 15, 44BC he told Brutus before he died- et tu Brute! It is what can happen to powerful men who may think they are invincible. You think all your friends care about you and will follow you-but you can be stabbed in the back! Caesar is famous for saying-Vini, Vici, Vinci- I came, I saw, I conquered! It is interesting that quotes from over 2000 years ago are still remembered today. The scope of the Roman Empire was significant in not only European history but trickled over into World history. Just think we still use Roman numerals today! Even Canada's motto- Mare usque mare usque mare! Latin- well from Roman times. A modern procedure- the Caesarian section to deliver babies was named after him but historians are divided on whether he was actually delivered that way! Another quote by Julius Caesar was " I love the name of honour, more than I fear death." Perhaps! What might have happened if he had not died that day? Was his exit from this world honourable? The middle of March for most people especially here in Canada is a welcome reminder winter is coming to a close! What are your thoughts about the Ides of March? What does Ides really mean? Are you just glad the 15th came on a Friday so the weekend is here?


  1. An ides was just one of several common calendar terms used to mark monthly lunar events. The ides simply marked the appearance of the full moon.

    The date is important to me because I started work on 15 March 1974 and resigned 14 years later on the same date.

  2. Dates are interesting. So the ides of March have some meaning to you.
