
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Many modern parents are waiting longer to have their children. Careers established, that second big house and the world tour. Then deciding to start children later in life, often discovering fertility issues. Of course there are couples who tried to conceive earlier and had difficulties.Fertility is always a very painful process for those having trouble with conception. New studies are telling us there are increased problems with older parents both male and female. In Vitro conception often looks at having twins which can increase post-partum difficulties with issues like early deliveries, stays in Neonatal Units and sometimes later developmental concerns. There are many situations where everything did go well with a healthy baby or two, of course. It seems disconcerting to me that modern women are being advised to talk to their doctors about the best age to have children. I am older and knew back in 1970 that age 35 was a critical year to finish having children due to the increase in the possibility of special needs children. Regardless of how healthy a woman may be the body is still a 35 year old or a 40 year old or a 45 year old body. Older men also are in the same situation where there are linkages with  having special needs children as well. Fortunately for many couples there are other possibilities with surrogacy mothers helping them to have that much wanted baby. As important as a career path, also factor in the baby path too. Can you do both at a younger age? Definitely! Yes couples can wait, as it is always their choice. The anguish of wanting a child can be overwhelming if taking too long. It is wonderful for any child to be a wanted child. I do feel for those people having difficulty with the process.

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