
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Warmer weather brings people outside. There is a feeling of renewel with Spring. Yesterday, everyone I encountered had something to say about -what a nice day outside! Some early birds were already in capri pants. I was surprised I did not see flip flops. I like the mood of people. There is some happiness, relaxation a feeling to get going- what ever that means! Change of season can also bring mood swings to those with mental health issues so beware of family members that may need your support. There is a need to clean inside and out. Soon to prune the trees and start the garden cleanup. I even tackled some areas of my garage on the weekend. The new Spring fashions with the "bold" colours are so enticing. Too early to put away all the winter woolies but the idea of fun clothes for warmer weather makes me smile. Spring is in the air was a popular song. Are you feeling the energy of the changing season? So why are you waiting? Get up and get going!!!

1 comment:

  1. With our highs of 25-26 today and tomorrow, summer is in the air here. We've already cleared away the paper that blows into our yard over the winter months, swept the dirt off the driveway, and, yes, picked up a ton of accumulated dog poop! No flowers poking up through the mulch but they are sure to start appearing soon. It feels good to have made it through another winter even if it was one of the mildest ones I've ever experienced.
