
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, February 3, 2012


And sometimes very disturbing ones. In my work, I try to help patients and families identify the stressors when facing health issues and life threatening situations. I call it the numb zone- when you do not know what to feel, you can become numb. Sleep allows us to relax. Or does it! Dreams can become vivid and reflect the concerns from the day. Nightmares can occur that frighten. By accepting that stress will manifest itself in all areas of your life, it can help you to analyse your own dreams- you do not need a therapist! Poor sleep or too much sleep can be signs of depression that often accompanies stress or grief. It is actually a normal reaction. Normalizing it and accepting your current life situation sucks, allow yourself to be human. There are sleeping pills but it is a temporary solution. Writing down your feelings, self-talk, talking to a trusted loved one are some ways to help your process. Sometimes we just have to experience the emotional pains of life.
Are you having bad dreams? Are you in the numb zone today? Slow down and do what is needed! Allow yourself to be human!

1 comment:

  1. And, sometimes, you can have very pleasant dreams ... ones you hate to wake up from ... ones you wish would go on and on. Having a handful of mixed nuts before falling asleep can lead to great dreams ... or are they hallucinations?
