
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, February 10, 2012


We start off in life as the baby with generations of family in front of us. Our parents, grandparents and if we are lucky some great-grandparents. Eventually, the older ones begin to die and we go from baby-child to parent to grandparent ourselves.No matter where we are in this circle, death of a loved one is a time to reflect on family and the person's place in it. As the family genealogist, dates are always recorded but who was this person. What was the meaning of his/her life? Sounds philosophical! Life is really philosophical. The miracle of birth, the love we can feel for others, enduring not just the good times but the hard times and sometimes just stopping to smell the roses or view a sunset. Of course, if you have grandchildren and must watch The Lion King, the circle of life song is a major part of the film. But what a meaningful song! Or like The Fiddler on the Roof- Sunrise/Sunset- brings the circle concept to us. Have you lost a loved one? Experience your grief but think about the person. Thank God for the opportunity to have him/her in your life!

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