
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


In speaking with some modern parents, there is a guilt around not having ones children constantly entertained. Vacations, weekends and PA days seem a fodder for extreme planning. Yes activities are good. Summer camp and family vacations needed. The latest electronic gadget. The online games.
But get over it. Boredom is part of life. Boredom can breed some creative process.
It is not your responsibility as a parent to make sure your child is never bored.
Adults- do you never get bored? Of course. Even if a job is loved, there are boring moments. It is life. When I hear people say I love my job and am never bored- Right!! I don't believe you.
Endless meetings. Reports due weekly. Can't wait for the weekend.
So knowing how to grapple with our boredom gives strategies to use with our children and grandchildren.
First question, ask the child. So you are bored. What do you want to do about it? Should you jump in and give direction. Nope.
If the child can not suggest anything, then maybe suggest this idea.
Let the child know that there are many boring tasks to be done around the house. So tell the child to pick one.
Another suggestion. If a nice day, go outside and play. Winter with snowsuits. Summer with sunscreen. Unprogrammed play. If a bad day outside like rainy, then suggest to go to the play area in the house and clean it.
Give a broom or mop or whatever is needed. A garbage bag for all those wrappers that are often tossed under furniture.
Read a book.
Yes the words "it is boring" will prevail. Too bad. Get used to the idea that some things in life can be boring but need to be done. Children need to learn to take care of their own boredom too. It will make for a healthier adult.
You know the adults that you know that constantly crave something and become bored very easily.
Ever been to a wonderful social event and someone at the dinner table will say, the music, the food is so boring!! That person is boring.
I remember my Dad saying "People that are bored are also boring." I understood it as an adult better than as a child.
Boredom pushes us to act. To look for something that seems fun or maybe getting mundane jobs done.
 Sometimes it just makes us take a nap! But at least not bored.

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