
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, December 3, 2018


The changes Boomers have seen in their life time is incredible. From watching TV too much to joining the modern crowd with the cell phone and all the social media sites- facebook, instagram, Tweeter, snapchat and whatever abounds in our lives. Going from click enter on DOS to a mouse to a touch screen in just a few years. The computer skills have come with hands on learning.
Photography has been embraced too. Photos printed, uploaded, digital, albums, photobooks,  scrapbooking, canvas pictures on the wall- well this Boomer does it all.
From having a secretary to type our reports to having our computers at work to type all our stuff ourselves. Glad I learnt to type in Grade 10.
So how to cope with all the bombardment of fake social lives out there.
Let's consider the Facebook picture frenzy. Remember going to someone's house and the slideshow of the trip, the party or some event. One had to sit politely and watch and pretend they loved all those 200 pictures. Now the 200 pictures from the event are posted. The good thing is to pretend one viewed them all, press like and move on to the next friend. So why does the modern generation think someone really wants to see their 200 birthday pictures. One or two would suffice! Great to say we celebrated.
Let's face it! Everyone has those meal pictures and they are fun for the family but  everyone else  has the same pictures. Just go to a funeral and review a life in pictures. Mostly the same for everyone. So a nice small collection works. At my Mom's funeral about 15 pictures was enough even though there were albums that could have been scrutinized. I did not need to showcase 500 pictures. I do like those video slideshows as they have music and give a snapshot of the person's life. They are fun at parties, weddings and yes funerals. The loop allows the viewer to see as often as wanted.
Now the cell phone pictures are different. It is hard not to pretend to view the pictures as the person is quickly showing the pictures on that tiny screen with the fast finger. Remember the slideshow, well it is the same principle.
 No one really wants to see all your beach pictures from the week at the resort. They are the same as everyone's pictures. Good memories for you but not too exciting for others.
If more- does it mean that your life is more exciting than others. Trying to prove how wonderful it is!
Now to the tell all on social media. How you hate your boss? The stupid things your colleagues do. How you are coming to terms with all your life's issues? Can I say to be careful. Not everyone is your real friend out there. There are trolls and hackers and potential employers do check the social media sites to find out about you. What it is written, very hard to take back the written word.
A friendly family email- yes an email to those who love you with all that personal information is better. Or a real phone call to talk personally to a trusted friend or family member.
Remember as fast as you scroll by all the information bombarded at you so do all those people you know. So your 10 page dissertation on why you are moving or changing jobs or doing whatever probably does not get read anyway. So when you discover that friends do not really know what you have been doing.
If you have the need to write then find ways to write. But just an online diary about everyday mundane things is well to this Boomer- boring!
Finding topics and interested people in the topic is a way to share all that information and put your energy where it can be valued. Hey the blogger world where topics can be shared with interested followers. Create your own blog site. Join those Facebook groups of similar topics. I belong to about 8 right now. Mostly genealogy but they work.
Also the younger generation has to stop thinking that the older generation is not social media savvy. Well most of us are! Besides we know how to embrace it all as well as do the old stuff well.
Marshal McLuhan said the media is the message. Would he roll over in his grave if he saw the modern social media? Food for thought and maybe another post.

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