
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, July 22, 2018


So the third week of July and summer seems to be moving along. Since the heat wave has passed, breathing better and less concerned about the effect of summer on Adolph's health. The back porch garden is producing- well some produce! Tomatoes, beans, eggplant, green pepper, cucumber! Let's me know I can have a simple porch garden and be content. Tired of the overgrown jungle in my yard. Tired of the work. Enjoying the local farmers market. As fast as I buy cherries or other fruit, Adolph wolfs it down! Ordering some supplies for the projects I have planned. Seeing the grandchildren often enough but still have to have some one on one Nana times with them. Enjoying the walking that summer brings. Helps to establish some new habits that include exercise. More time to clean those corners little by little. Organized some items to have in the car. Goal to keep everything neat. If my house can not be neat at least my car can be!! Yes the reading which gives me the time to be outside and enjoy some sun then some shade to stay outside longer. Summer with its beckoning to relax and take in all that life has to offer.

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