
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Up bright and early and hitting the road for an early morning walk is a blessing. The noise of the construction on Yonge Street has not started. So able to hear the joyous singing of the birds. Surprisingly how many people have already started their day. The traffic on Major Mackenzie drive and Yonge is quite heavy.  Perhaps avoiding the later rush hour! Of course businesses are busy with early deliveries and work. Many pet owners walking their dogs. I am fortunate to have two fields on my walk to see the wild flowers growing. Adolph calls them weeds. Not a long walk. But up a hill, around the library and down a hill. So I use different muscle groups. It replaces one of my walks that I did when I walked to and from work.



  1. You are one very blessed and good woman!

  2. Regarding Your 2017 Genealogy post. My name is Dennis Frost. I have all the answers to your questions about Elizabeth Ann Frost,1871 she was my great Aunt Jimmie is my great grandfather. defrost396@hotmail.ca I Have all the answers
