
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


So retired from a workplace but not work. How to incorporate some good habits. My first post about the retirement thing. Still very fresh in my life.

1. Exercise works. Used to walking to and from work. So how to incorporate that habit into retirement. Well walk of course. So early morning with weights. Then the walk to the mailbox in the afternoon. Now looking for another way to find a 20 minute walk for the day. Bought some exercise DVDs so I can do some routines in my living room with my big DVD player. The Family Room is my husband's domain. Not much for going to the gym. But may consider joining a class of some sort in the Fall. A time limited class may get be started to going out to something and not just in home.

2. Not wasting time. Time was one of those precious commodities for evenings and weekends. So using my time wiser. Ways to try to find some revenue in those interests.

3. Setting priorities. What to do that brings meaning. Incorporating all my interests and hobbies into more of my daily life. Do I continue with some counselling services?? Or just fun and fluff stuff!! Social activities are important. Time with my husband, children, grandchildren, family connections and friends. Working through the process and transition of being retired.

4. Organizing and setting some goals for the day. Early riser so more can be accomplished in the morning. Then afternoons for quieter activities- like the summer reading. Books of course. But not forgetting newspapers, magazines and Internet articles. Reading.Reading. Reading. Also trying to read something every day in Italian, Spanish and French. To keep up those linguistic skills. Knowing another language is good for the mind. Putting crafts in my hands. Daily working on those projects. Small knitting and crocheting items can be done. Of course back to some quiliting. Starting small with little projects again. Yes not trying to head in different directions at a time.

5. Stopping and smelling the roses. Yes enjoying the big and little things every day brings joy. Slowing down- not a full stop and not rushing everywhere. Starting an activity and finishing it. Trying to eliminate all the little piles that get started in every room. Less piles. Less clutter. More puttering and keeping on top of everything. But at a methodical and peaceful pace.

Of course good eating. Always include some cake on those special occasions.

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