
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Some therapists use photos in therapy with couples, families or individuals. Think about how quickly a picture is composed. Who sits with who! Who leans in or who remains aloof! Couples reveal alot about themselves in photos. A natural pose rather than a pretend contrived one is revealing. Which person does not want to be in a picture and why? Often in family groups, one person especially a little grandchild may refuse to be in the family shot! Annoying but revealing! Could be the child is shy or just wanting some extra attention! Actually getting all grandchildren in a picture can be like herding cats. If possible individual ones may work better! Group shots are interesting to analyse! With social media with everyone trying to look like every event like a dinner is so amazing or larger than life reveals something about the group! It's dinner! We all have dinners every day!
 Photograpy is an interest of mine. But I prefer things and places sometimes to people. A nice static image that can symbolize a theme. What things interest each photographer does reveal something about the photographer! Photos are wonderful to have but can bind us together or reveal our flaws. So some people shots at events to capture the time. But lots of images that abound around us catch my interest! Yes all those pictures posted are fodder to be assessed! If you read my blog regularly are you really catching the symbolism presented.
Just a bunch of Christmas bulbs. But look closely and the photographer was captured several times. Not intentional but sometimes pictures reveal something else!


  1. lots of good points and pointers here ...

  2. Thanks Roy! As we both enjoy photography and viewing others' photographs it is such a broad topic of ideas to ponder!
