
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


The best part of Christmas is being able to enjoy it.
I had the opportunity to go downtown to The Windsor Arms Hotel for their tea last Sunday. Getting a ride to Finch then taking the subway to Bloor and Yonge.
Along with a nice group of ladies from the Amici Club, I enjoyed the little sandwiches and petit fours.
Scones and other delights.
Right off Bloor Street West, it is a Toronto landmark.
The stroll back to the subway brought an opportunity to see the store windows.
Ashley's window was so pretty.

We bought the Christmas tree on Monday and I decorated it on Tuesday night. I was not in the mood but preserved and now it is done.
We had our Social Work Holiday lunch at our meeting Thursday. A smaller group this year- we ordered some food and everyone pitched in to pay for the meal. I brought some festive plates, napkins and candy canes to make it more fun. One colleague made little gift bags for everyone!
Saturday was a day of finishing wrapping and cleaning more clutter corners of the house. Now only one messy room. We had two grandchildren sleep over so their stuff needed to be wrapped.
My favourite part of Christmas is sitting by the tree and knitting or reading or watching a Christmas movie. So with the 2 grandchildren  watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Of course, ice cream and popcorn were on the menu. They enjoyed the little candy canes throughout the evening.
There is a feeling of panic in the air for some people. Rushing from store to store. I was out during the week to buy a couple of things and could feel it.
 I did manage to order a couple more items online. Relaxed by the computer. Shopping early is good but sometimes it is hard to stop shopping! No scrooge here!

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