
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, December 4, 2016


More wrapping of course. But hauled out the internal Christmas decorations to start to make the house festive. Instead of all my Santas in the living room, I put some on the mantle in the family room. Large Christmas stockings fill spaces.
Last Tuesday night was a office party dinner at Frankie Tomatoes in Markham. A buffet style meal with many food stations- pasta, meat, seafood, salads, desserts- the all you can eat! Noisy and fun but boy is it tacky! Especially the outside with the over the top Italian motifs! We did a Secret Santa! Of course, I got another travel coffee mug that I did not need! I liked the purple gift bag though.
At work people are starting to bring Christmas thank you treats to staff. A happier time of year for many! Some Nursing stations are very festive while others are dull!
More houses are starting to put up lights. The stores are busy, busy. Luckily I shortlisted my Christmas spending and almost finished. A couple more things to even out the grandchildren, maybe some gift cards and of course the Christmas lottery tickets to be bought.
This week we will get our real Christmas tree. Adolph always tries to find the cheapest one. I would like to go to a lot that sells them instead of a supermarket but he takes over.
Adolph bought the frozen Butterball turkey for Christmas dinner. He does not like to buy a big turkey so extra turkey thighs will be bought to add some more dark meat to the meal. We always argue about leftovers. Canadians enjoy leftovers. I am tempted to go out and buy a bigger turkey.
The Elf in the house is starting to find places to hide. Heh wake up Elf! Listening to Christmas music when I can and using all those hocky Christmas movies on TV as a backdrop when I wrap.
Memories of Christmas past. A fun night at our daughter's home in 2014. Time to make 2016 Christmas memories with family and friends. I am trying to finish a blanket project for one grandchild. If not finished by Christmas will give a rain check to my daughter! Fa la la la la la la la! Oh Christmas!

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