
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, December 24, 2016


A time to reflect on Christmas past. Time as a child. A teen. A young adult. A new parent and being able to be Santa. Time getting a stocking filled with little treats and especially a large delicious apple and a big orange. My Mom lived through the Depression, what can I tell you. Remembering when people were with us. Then the first Christmas when they were not! 1997 was the last Christmas Mamma was with us- my mother-in-law. I did a special every day for a week video with her so we would have lots of memories! My folks would spend some Christmases with us. It was fun to have a full house of people. Thus the reason I still have 3 pull out couches and a guest room! Christmas- a time for family and fun. Christmas Eve for children is a time of joyful anticipation! Wondering if Santa would bring their special request. Even NORAD gets in the mix and tracks Santa's journey around the world. For this Nana thinking of my wonderful grandchildren-hoping they will like the presents! I know Clothes- but your Mom made me do it! Trying to decide which Christmas movie to watch tonight as my husband sleeps on the couch1 I am just feeling blessed that I can have another Christmas with everyone. Reading all the messages on the Christmas Cards makes me feel closer to all those family and friends. So Enjoy tonight! Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good life! Yes let there be peace on earth!

1 comment:

  1. Fine thoughts and reflections, Barb ... Merry Christmas to you and Adolph ... we celebrated with my family yesterday, to avoid the blizzard
