
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


For the perfectionists, Christmas adds more stress. There is no perfect gift or cookie or way to wrap a present. Children will not act perfectly. Nor will the adults. Making memories and having a good time means to go with the flow. A perfectly decorated house is nice for homes where children will not visit but if they do, they want to touch your stuff. So does one be a tyrant and the children can not move or does one make the home child friendly! December 25th arrives for everyone. Some of us start way ahead of the game with shopping and wrapping and sending cards. No need to tell others you have not found the perfect gifts nor the perfect time to do everything. Let go of being perfect! For example, my lights on my staircase are not perfectly done but at night they look pretty. No award winning decorations but a lovely cozy home. I like to try to make something different at  special meals but realize the people all have their favourites so why not do the same old? If the meal is eaten, then it will be a job well done. Perfectionist people really suffer from anxiety. The pressure they put on theselves only creates more anxiety. So help those around you that suffer and sing the amazing song from Frozen- Let it Go! And really try to have some fun! But not perfectly!!
Or the unexpected happens and one is captured in the picture!

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