
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Well Canada had its white Christmas and some places a blizzard. It is more than just a day but a season. With the lights decorating streets from late November to the heightened buzz then frenzy of Christmas preparations. Just look at the statistics for the $billions spent on December 23rd-the busiest shopping day. Of course my fresh produce was bought December 22 early in the morning at one of those 24 hour stores. The shopping, the wrapping, the parcels sent, the presents under the tree. Christmas is a time of celebrating the birth of Jesus- the religious part and celebrating family.  Being together on several occasions made my Christmas season. A parade, a tea, a Santa Christmas party, dinner out with colleagues, watching favourite Christmas movies, listening to beloved songs and carols and simply stopping to enjoy the season- those quiet reflective moments by my Christmas tree.. Of course the Christmas cards and newsletters with the wonderful messages and hearing what everyone has done the last year. Phoning a Dad!  Enjoying the coziness of my home. Making Christmas dinner for my children, sons-in-laws and grandchildren was the pinnacle of Christmas. Lots of work but a good tired afterwards. Boxing Day was a day of rest and slow puttering. The blessing of Christmas makes me remember all the good memories. Sad that some people are no longer with us. However, they were with us at some time and that can not be taken away from any of us not even me! My generosity was taught to me by my parents especially my mother. She grew up in the Depression in Toronto. She never forgot how it was to have very little so she made Christmas happy and special for us. I did the same for my family. The torch has been passed to my girls who make Christmas special and real for the their families. Being Canadian it is never taken for granted with the love and peace we have in our nation. The stories of caring and sharing at Christmas are never ending. The dinners for the homeless, the toy drives, the welcoming of strangers to homes. Even those Tim Horton's ads of #WarmWishes reflect the Canadian spirit. Knowing that First Responders, Armed Forces members are protecting us and need to thanked too. Christmas a time to reflect about all that is good in my life. Since Adolph's name means Noble Wolf- I even found him a special cushion with a Wolf on it to keep his head comfortable! How was your Canadian Christmas?

1 comment:

  1. our Christmas brunch in LaSalle with the Ellises was great! the buffet was packed with a variety of foods, all great to eat ... Josi and Trudie made such a great meal ... way too much sweet stuff for desserts ... then, home to watch the blizzard sweep in, late in the day ...
