
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


It is often said that grandparents spoil the grandchildren. They are allowed to do anything. Not true. If anything there is so much pressure not to break the rules they bring from their own homes. The interesting point is the fact the grandparents raised the children. Having said that, the grandparents' home is not the regular home so things can be different. The main rules are the same- have a bath, brush your teeth, no fighting, respect, manners- well everyone knows the parent talk. I think our great-great- great- grandparents invented it. Then of course how many editions of Dr. Spock have permeated through the generations. The modern books on parenting are the same old, same old. Grandchildren are a blessing to be enjoyed. So if fun times are different than at home, why not. Why go to the grandparents' home if some fun and play can not occur? Every parent needs a break or someone to watch the kids occasionally. However many grandparents have busy lives too- working, cleaning a big house, looking after the garden, taking care of a sick spouse, pressures to downsize, retirement looming etc. The realization that children grow very quickly and soon the grandparent will be the last person with whom the child wants to spend any time. So when the children come home and "tattle" on the grandparents that they had cookies or drank pop or did something not allowed at home, please check back with the grandparents because maybe they were not really allowed to do it. On the other hand, if they had an extra cookie or two, what's the big deal if they also had healthy food like fruit! Think back to your own childhood, didn't you try to outsmart your own grandparent?

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