
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


March break is always a challenge to working parents. So this Nana took two vacation days to help babysit two grandchildren full days and a sleepover. What to do with a rainy, muddy outdoors day in Ontario? To the movies for the early show and in 3D. The Little Prince was a modern adaptation of a children's classic book. Watching my young son mesmerized by the story was delightful. Earlier, he had stated it would be boring to see a paper person come to life! The movie was a story within a story so had many layers of teaching for children and even adults too! As a child, Saturday was a time to go to the movie theatre in Weston! The old Fox Theatre would have two features and a documentary with the movie ticket. Thinking back it gave my mother time without all of us. My older sibling would be in charge. We walked! No car ride!! For this Nana it was something simple to do. The grandchildren were fighting a cold so needed a quiet activity although they had not been so quiet running around and playing at my house. There are good children's movies. Animation has become a wonderful art form. Just look at the awards' season with all the entries. Of course Nana has VHS tapes and DVDs for home watching. I was able to see the grandchildren experience the movie- Teen Wolf with Michael J. Fox for the first time. It was a favourite of my girls when they were younger! So old classics become new for this generation. Can't wait to have them watch TCM- Turner Classic Movies with me on TV. Oh movies, those wonderful little time savers for exhausted grandparents and parents!

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