
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Speaking and explaining things to young children is enjoyable. Recently, Nana was trying to help one of my grandsons understand a school situation. A child with special needs was acting differently. So Nana who had lots of experience in that field at one time began to inform him. "The person is different, so it is important to try to get into his world." My sweet grandson looked at me puzzled and said no Nana, he was born here. The awareness that children watch shows and movies about other worlds and aliens and superheroes came to light. My daughter simply said children can take things literally! I just smiled. The thought occurred to me about how many times when we all talk and mean one thing but it is taken literally so a different meaning occurs! In my life and work, I see and hear deeper meanings of many conversations. However, those around me may not be so deep. Checking in, especially with children to determine if they have actually understood what was meant. Simple words. Simple discussion. Perhaps let the child explain a situation rather than explain for him. With my grandson, I was simply trying to reinforce that people can be different. Lesson learned from a little one, literally!

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