
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Family time on a long weekend energizes everyone. A good family dinner or two. The Easter egg hunt at home and again at Nana's house is fun for one and all. Depending on the weather, what activities can be had. Indoor board games, a movie or two, sorting seasonal clothes to see what fits or a good walk or bike ride if warm enough to be outside. Those wanting more winter fun, well find a place that still has some snow! Grandparents love to be part of the fun too. So if some babysitting is needed then don't hesitate to ask. The teaching of the Easter message of love, peace, forgiveness and what it means to be Christian. I have some Easter books I put out for the kids. I have some bible story books for year round. Actually good for the adults to visit these important messages too. Time to be together in a quiet way. Nana says the special holidays are a time to be together. Making an effort to celebrate these events build memories for all. Children have a good feeling about family. However, pick the right family events. The number of invites can be smaller to fit your own needs too. So being flexible and flowing with the demands of young families makes a good time for all! The older grandparents can have a nap or two when the babies do!!

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