
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Winter storm warnings for parts of Canada today. The GTA will get slammed. However, the winter has been better than normal so having the first big storm in March and not November is a blessing. March the anticipated month that brings Spring at the end. It is really a winter month but heh those desperate for Spring live with hope. The winter sports enthusiasts  are lamenting their season is coming to an end. For this blogger, I just keep plugging away at projects, walk to and from work, and take what life has been throwing at me. February saw the conclusion of one writing project. So on to finishing other projects which include major decluttering of corners in the house! Love my little shredder. Put out 6 small bags of shredding in the trash! So March on in life! After we leaped from February! I can hear the lion's roar! The cold is here with winds sounding in the background! How do you see your March? Of course those not acquainted with the saying- if march comes in like a lion then it should go out like a lamb or vice versa. Most of us like it to come in like a lion then it is more optimistic the weather will improve. Canadians do like to talk about the weather, eh!

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