
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Will Winter ever end? As I walked to work this morning in the cold, I was not complaining. Watching the early news with the clips from the Maritimes and how they got slammed with snow, a little cold did not seem so bad. The sidewalks are almost free of ice. So I still walk on the grassy part of the edge of the road. Most of the snow has melted. A slow melt so the moisture will go into the ground to be used later in the season for spring growth.
So a little green with a little white giving some encouragement that Spring will come. Does our mood get affected by the weather, you bet. I wonder what the stats were this winter for hospital admissions for depression. The amount of sunlight sure makes a difference in the happiness mode. Do you ever notice on sunny days that people generally just look happier? Despite the cold this morning, there were many songbirds chirping and singing away. The little signs of spring are there. No snowdrop flowers yet in the garden. I guess it hard for them to grow through 2 feet of snow!!

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