
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Ice cream and grandparents make for a fun time. Especially during March Break. For those working parents unable to take time off or go away, the support team can help with some fun times with the grandchildren. This Nana will have one group for a Saturday sleepover. Giving some relief to the parents and well-just enjoying the little ones! Exposing children to different generations in a family is important! Grandparents can tell their grandchildren stories that their own children are very tired to hear! Hearing stories about their parents when they were little seems to warm their hearts. Of course, only the positive parts. I remember once when my older daughter was asking my own Mom how I was when I was little. Her response was-"she was perfect". With a little wink, when Natasha could not see her, I smiled. Of course, I was a good kid-but perfect, hum!!! Children relish from the love of several generations. Memories are created for a lifetime. So here's to ice cream and grandparents!

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