
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Butterflies are wonderful to use as metaphors in life. As life changes its cycles, there can be many references to the changes in a butterfly's life that resemble our lives. I use the butterfly picture in my monthly end of life talk to new nurses. Some interesting and creative thoughts often emerge from the group and sometimes they don't get it! I like to tell people, the Monarch Butterfly is very Canadian since it does travel from Mexico and back again throughout its life cycle. Or maybe the babies travel back! Forget what is the life span? Perhaps the North American Free Trade Agreement had its roots with the butterflies. Butterflies are good backyard visitors. And they are very quiet! No chirping at 5 in the morning! There are butterly conservatories in the world. Niagara area has one that is always interesting for the tourists! I have some milkweed plants in my garden to attract the Monarch! Do you have plants or flowers that attract butterflies? Apparently yellow and purple ones are the best!!

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