
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Time to learn something new. Well having a computer crash and buying a new one brings on forced learning-  new icons and where to find things has taken the best part of two hours. Some how I did find my blogger dashboard. Yeah for new learning. Just hope when I log out I will find it again. No photos as I need to learn how to upload and where to store them. I thought I would have to reconfigure everything. I remember the first time I had to configure my email addresses. Then they went from shaw to home to rogers in the period of a couple of months. Turning on this new computer and the latest Microsoft program it came on-well -I had to hunt for some things and get used to the new tabs. I am still happy I found my blog site and am writing a quick post. The hard part is they could not transfer my files from my old computer. So some of my writing is lost. Good thing I like to print all my stuff and save on hard copy. A matter of retyping or inputting as it is now called! Of course all my photos are on my memory cards or  previous CDs. I did have tons saved on the old computer so maybe I will discriminate about how many I want to upload. Oh yeah, the guy at the store said no one uses CDs anymore. I like to tell people that one can use as many items as needed. Just because it is new does not make it better. I am too stressed to try to upload any photos tonight. Just hope my camera does not crash. By the way, I opted for a PC as I like to use the computer-well in my computer room with all my books, dictionary, notes. It is a contained mess or maybe organized clutter with my piles of relevant items. I can close the door so the rest of the house that is fairly neat does not get affected. I also like the space as it allows great light during the day and for some reason I get more writing and work done in this contained space. Of course creative ideas are found everywhere. Thus my little notes that I make anywhere and everywhere. I am always thinking about what I will write on my next post. So this one has been a little rambling but I can write faster now as there are fewer glitches. It seems the technology has improved since we purchased the last computer 8 years ago. So I have to figure out so many things. If I had a few days at home then it would be easier. I have to understand how to use the system well because teaching my husband about all the changes will be a different task.

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