
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, March 7, 2014


No matter how big the problem appears, finding the opening to go through it and solve it can present itself in life. Tackling it head on can bring some creative solutions. Social Workers are known as problem solvers. Actually we facilitate our clients to look at their problems and think about ways in their own lives to find meaningful solutions that work for them. So problem solver or problem adjuster. Often my language is not about problems but concerns the person may have. What are your concerns? Have you thought about ways to work on your concerns? Like Rome that was not built in a day, neither are our concerns solved in a day! Taking a step back from them often gives a new perspective! Do you ever watch reruns of favourite shows? Well watching the West Wing- Leo had a good joke. A man fell into a hole, a priest went by and he asked for help. The priest threw in a prayer. A doctor went by and the man yelled for help and the dcotor threw in a prescription. A friend waked by and the man yelled for help, so the friend jumped in the hole. The man said now we are both in the hole. The friend said but I have been down here previously and know the way out! See your Social Worker sort of like the friend so you can be helped out of the hole! Thanks for sharing my Social Work week with me.

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