
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Children need discipline but even more encouragement and praise. Nurturing the positive attributes may take incredible patience of parents and adults around children. The little ones can push your buttons so easily. Fighting and angry screaming do take the patience of Job!! Being able to work past the down times and see the good and the sweetness of your children is what parenting entails. Teenagers are a huge challenge. Aong with finding their way in the world, there is a constant push against authority- the first ones being the parents! Setting boundaries and including children in decision making puts some ownership back to the person! Helping to make good choices and taking responsibility for the consequences. " You can drive the family car but if you get a ticket, you will not be using the car again!" is one example. If a little one writes on the wall, giving cleaning products to scrub the marks off will teach about the work involved in cleanup. Take your time and really look at a piece of art, for example. Ask about the colours and what the picture means rather than oh it looks good  without much attention. Yes the fridge, a bulletin board, a wall can become inundated with those little treasures but believe the time will pass so quickly that those children will no longer create nor want you to see their work. Listen to how your children talk! Do you ever hear your negative voice in their conversation? Do you want to hear a positive voice and comments? Your use of words that encourage and discipline do come back to haunt you! Many modern parents-not much different than parents of many generations- often will say- OMG I sound like my mother! So what you say and what you script can become messages in your children's heads! Discipline that is more encouragement helps those messages to stay positive.  

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