
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Ah, fresh vegetables from the garden are a great way to enjoy the summer/fall months. Healthy eating! Or fresh from a local farm or market. Tomatoes for lunch and with dinner-just can't get enough. Canada has always had generations of healthy eaters. Using the foods we grow and storing for the winter. Our onions, carrots, apples, potatoes are just a few of the produce that can be kept along with the preserves many women made for the long winter are part of Canadian traditions. Using the freezer to save the bounty from the Fall was a resource used in many homes. My Mother would put food down. Now Adolph and I freeze some tomatoes to use in soups and sauces throughout the year. Of course the jams, jellies and fruit that can be made from the variety of fresh fruit that grows in this great country. Vegetable oil low in fat from corn is another source of good vitamins and minerals. Just plain corn eaten off the cob! Our wheat has been part of our international market for generations too! A great variety of breads made with home grown wheat! Even one brand of Italian pasta uses Canadian wheat! Maple Syrup and honey-two other great foods produced right here in Canada!  No wonder two of the oldest Canadians I knew lived to 102 and 104 ate a good Canadian diet! Only in Canada they say!

1 comment:

  1. We are so fortunate compared to many parts of the world.
