
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Will libraries become redundant due to modern technology? Somehow I doubt it or hope not! Reading from a computer or your phone is one way to acquire knowledge but a book in your hands while sitting in a favourite spot still has an appeal. Cuddled up to a youngster reading a bedtime story is so socially wonderful. I love the digital world and access to obscure books-especially historical documents only available in reference libraries at a far away towns- but not sitting at my computer after I have printed the material gives an opportunity to digest the information! Having literature available at home is great but a trip to the library with shelves of books is still one of my favourite places with a bookstore second on my list. To think even in Canada one of the first libraries was in 1800! Our early settlers saw the the need to have books available to people! The library is a wonderful place to study. For the genalogist a good reference room or library or archives are a must! Remember the librarian has lots of knowledge and education to assist with any difficult requests! So when is your next trip to the Library? Do you have any overdue books? Get going!! 

1 comment:

  1. I like good old paper books. Perfect for smashing the odd mosquito or other small bug that is stupid enough to land on a page while I'm reading in bed. Kind of like pressing flowers.
