
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Transitions take us fromm one month to another, one year to the next, one pay period and the list can go on. Some transitions are welcome changes in our lives- parents to grandparents. Some transitions are painful- divorce, death, health issue. Life gives us more transitions than we can handle sometimes. The key is to face each one and just keep going! The going takes us to new and different places and parts of ourselves that may be untapped. There are many symbols that can be used for our transitions. I like the butterfly with its various life stages and meanings. The ugly duckling story is one of hope and beauty. We do not have to like every transition in our life. We just just have to face them. Are you going through a transition? How did you handle it? Did you have the supports around you to cope?


  1. Some transitions may be both bad and good. They may involve both stress (initially)and yet open up new opportunities.

  2. True. Facing the transition can bring us to another part of ourselves!
