
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Once just Remembrance Day, now we have Veterans' Week November 5-11. It gives more time to reflect on our military history and the sacrifices made to have the peace we have today in Canada. Our recent missions in Afghanistan and other nations bring home the fact there are still conflicts and suffering in the world.

In parks, town centers and avenues, monuments exist to honour local heroes who served and those who died. The army, navy, air force and merchant marine have men and women from all walks of life. In our family, there are individuals that served in World War One- Ernest Ellis and World War Two- Ellerington Park, Parkin Alton and Norman Ellis. Families across Canada will have similar stories about their loved ones. A family friend has a Mom- Amy Evans- who served with the Canadian army in England. She met Jack there and he came to Canada with her as a War husband.
If you have not done it, talk to the older Vets and get their stories- write them down, film them, tape them. Once they are gone, then their stories are gone. Learn about the famous battles and Canada's role in them. By honouring our past, we learn to find a way to resolve conflict peacefully in this modern world. I hope the Canadian military returns to its peacekeeping role- helping communities build, bringing fresh water supplies, education and health- in a wonderful way. When you think of Canada's history, what stories come to mind for you? Do you have a special person you like to honour?

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