
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Every hometown has its local pieces of history and interest. I found these postcards by a local artist- A. Vermeulen done several years ago.

Top left-the Presbyterian Church on Yonge Street. Top right- the United Church on Yonge Street. Both built in the 1800s. And the Mill Pond- a popular spot for Canada Geese, ducks and a few people.
In the summer there are concerts in the park and the winter skating on the ice with a Winter Carnival in Feburary.
How does the drawing compare to a real photograph!

I've called Richmond Hill my home for most of my life. The little town north of Toronto! Actually its population now is equal to other cities in Canada. The bus, the Go train or the highway can take you south to Toronto or north to cottage country! It may not be the best place to live in the world, but it is not bad! Of course my very favourite building continues to be the Central Library. 
Especially in the Spring time. What do you have to say about your hometown? Home is where the heart is and in my case- my family!!


  1. You live in a beautiful city. I've been reading some of its history: http://edrh.rhpl.richmondhill.on.ca/default.asp

  2. Your images of the mill pond bring back wonderful memories.My family lived in Richmond Hill from 1925 to 1983. I lived there with my parents from 1958 to 1981 and during that time my grandfather, father and I used to go fishing in the mill pond.My father caught a large bass in the pond and a photograph of the fish, my father and me with the fish and an article about it was published in the Liberal in 1961 and I still have a copy of the photo/article in the family album. My grandfather sometimes went on his own to fish in the pond. He was in his 80's and got on the local bus with his can of worms and fishing rod to go fishing. It must have been quite a site to see him on the bus.I remember one day seeing a large snapping turtle come out of the pond where the dam is and cross the road-it was huge. One day while fishing I caught a turtle on my line. I thought I had caught a monster fish! It put up quite a struggle and my dad cut the line as the turtle was a little annoyed.When my mums sister came to visit my dad and I from Australia in 1980 we took her to the mill pond to look around and we fed the ducks some bread crumbs. There used to be some seats to sit on in the shade of the trees.The area of the pond has changed quite a lot since I was last there. There was no fountain in the pond-just lots of weeds and plenty of fish.Thanks for bringing back a nice memory.............Ed Gilbert

  3. where did you buy the richmond hill post cards? I've been looking for a while for something to represent my town!

    1. I bought them many years ago at some store in Richmond Hill. Maybe you could try the art store across from the Mill Pond. I really don't remember where I bought them. I will look at them to see if there is a publisher on them. Tucked away with my postcard collection.
