
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


The Goddess of divine punishment according to Greek mythology! Or simply defined as retributive justice in the Oxford dictionary. Or an agent of such a downfall! Sometimes words or ideas pop into our consciousness and by pursuing the meaning it can bring some insight to current events in our lives. So the word nemesis greeted me this morning. Nemesis pursued Zeus! I think Sherlock Holmes had his nemesis- Moriarty? Do we all have one? Are we one to others? Why was I thinking this word this morning? Does it have some significance? Or not? Carl Jung believed in the Collective Unconscious. Was something coming from a deeper level? By paying attention to the world around us, do we get ideas, clues or warnings about our lives? Do you ever have a thought and wonder, where did that come from? Why was I thinking that? By listening to our thoughts and observing our own actions, great insight can be gained.

1 comment:

  1. One word can bounce around in our minds for a reason. Or not! Often, when a word comes to my mind, it's because it appeared in a book I was reading. Usually, it is a word that I'm uncertain of. Something I've meant to look up on the web so that I'd know its meaning. Usually, I forget to do so. What's that say about me?
